Allison's Secret (Book 2): The Accord Read online

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  He watched the hands that came up. “I’d like you guys to meet Will and I over at the house in a couple minutes. Then make sure you tell the team you are relieving to come straight to the guard house when you relive them. Finish your meal and meet us over there.”

  He turned to Will who picked up their empty bowls and carried them to the counter before they both exited into the cold night air.

  Allison finished her supper and rose to help Sherrie and Jaden with cleanup.

  Later, when Allison had finished her chores for the night, she made her way back to the house she shared with James and the security crew who went on duty at midnight. Sleeping in the house gave them the privacy and quietness they needed to rest up for guard duty.

  The solar lights, positioned so that they wouldn’t be seen from the highway, gave her just enough light to make her way to the house. She padded down the hall to the bedroom expecting to find James asleep, but he still wasn’t home. He’d been spending a lot of time lately with the guards.

  Allison snuggled under the covers and thought about James’s interest in the guards. James simply wasn’t guard material. Will Mead handled it all with his friend Shane Riley so James really wouldn’t be needed for planning. And he wasn’t an outdoor person. He’d never been hunting a day in his life.

  She hoped he wasn’t thinking about joining the security team. It was too dangerous and he simply wasn’t suited to it. She drifted off to sleep before he slipped under the covers.

  Chapter 18 Allison

  There was a dusting of snow on the ground as Allison made her way to the barn, stepping carefully to avoid slipping on the spots that had iced over. Opening the door to the bunkhouse, she breathed in the smell of the woodstove. She loved the smell of wood burning.

  Mary stood at the stove, a large pan sat on top. Mary was placing long strips of bacon in the pan.

  “Is that bacon?” Allison asked.

  “It is. I’ve got pancake batter mixed,’ she pointed to a bowl on the counter. “If you want to start making the pancakes, people will be joining us any minute.”

  Even as she said the words, a door opened on the second floor and Greta paused before closing the door. “Is that bacon I smell?”

  “It is,” Allison and Mary chorused.

  Greta made her way to the top of the stairs tapping at each door – except Kim’s – calling, “Bacon!”

  With a grin, she went to each door on the lower floor tapping and calling, “Bacon!”

  Doors opened and sounds of pleasure made Mary chuckle. “Don’t take much to make these people happy.”

  Jaden stepped out of the room that she shared with her father. She skipped down the steps and hurried to help set the tables.

  “Allison,” she said, hesitating before continuing. “Is there any way that I can have my own room? I love my dad, but it’s getting a little uncomfortable. I mean… I’m a girl and, well… I’m a girl and he’s not. And, uhm… I need to talk to you about girl things if that’s okay. Uhm… and anyway he snores too.”

  Allison couldn’t hold back the laugh. “I understand completely. Is there anything that you want to talk to me about. You know… girl things?”

  Jaden looked away before saying, “My mom told me all about stuff before she died. I’m not scared or anything. But maybe someday if you have time, well… yes, please…”

  “I’ll have time after breakfast. Let’s sit down and chat then, okay? And I’ll ask Mary if she has any ideas for getting you some more privacy.”

  Jaden sighed. “Thank you! I’ll put the syrup out.”

  She came back from the storeroom carrying two bottles of syrup. “Mrs. Butterworths Butter Lovers! My favorite.”

  “Mine too, so don’t take it all.” A voice boomed from the door to the stable. Riley walked into the common room followed by Will. “Do you guys need a hand?”

  “Nope. We’re ready to serve.” Mary carried huge platters of bacon to the tables while Allison carried plates stacked with pancakes.

  Jaden was washing dishes when Allison came up behind her. “Have you seen Kim?”

  “No. I try really hard not to. Kelly went with the group of kids who were going to practice archery. Sam and David were going to set up hay bales for targets in the arena.”

  “Thanks. I need to have a talk with Kim.”

  “Ya gonna tell her ‘goodbye?’” Jaden sniffed.

  “I just can’t throw her out. She’d take Kelly and it would be a death warrant.”

  “You could take her to the FEMA guys. That’s what we do to people who we don’t want, right?”

  Allison raised her brows. “I hadn’t considered that. It does kind of feel like we do shove people off on the FEMA guys. Actually, I would love to teach Kim how to fit in here.”

  Jaden snorted. “Don’t try to teach a pig to sing. It doesn’t work and it irritates the pig.”

  Allison burst out laughing. “You’re full of comments this morning.”

  “Mary says it all the time about Kim. I think it fits perfectly.”

  “Yeah, I’m afraid you might be right. I need to decide what to do with her. She’s not going to work out here.”

  “You got that right.” Jaden set the last dish on the counter. “Want me to dry these?”

  “No, let’s go to your room to talk.”

  Allison was surprised to learn that Jaden was familiar with a Diva Cup. “Karen gave me one and showed me how to use it, but I don’t like it,” Jaden said. “Is there anything else I can use?”

  “Well,” Allison said. “We can make some washable ones. They’ll feel a little bulky, but they are more comfortable than a Diva Cup. The Diva Cup would be easier to clean, but a couple washable pads would be easy to make. Do you need them right away?”

  “No. I’ll need them in a few weeks.”

  “Let me look in the house. I might have all the material we need. Then we’ll sit down and make a couple pads for you. Will that work?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Jaden smiled before she looked away.

  “Now,” said Allison. “About finding you a new roommate.”

  Jaden giggled. “I want one that doesn’t snore.”

  “Let’s go see if Mary has any suggestions.”

  They found Mary watering the herbs in the window. When Allison asked if she had any ideas, Mary looked over her shoulder from the stool she was standing on and said, “Perfect.”

  She finished watering the pots and stepped backward to the floor. Setting the watering can under the counter, she turned to Allison and Jaden. Her face was red from exertion. “Beth.”

  “Beth?” Jaden frowned.

  “The new girl, Beth.”

  “I know who she is,” Jaden scoffed. “But she has a family.”

  Mary put her hands on her hips. She leaned towards Jaden. “Five people in that little tiny room, I’ll bet she would love to share a room – even if it is a slightly smaller room – with just one girl.”

  “Yeah. Maybe.”

  Mary turned to Allison. “The whole family is in their room right now. I think Kelly is there too. Want to go see what they think?”

  “What’s Kelly doing in there?” Allison wanted to know.

  “I think her and the youngest daughter, Taylor, have bonded. Today’s a slow day so we’ve got people wandering in and out. Will and Riley are doing an evasion tactics class after lunch. It looks like the whole gang will be here for that.”

  The Wilcox family were indeed all in their room. Kelly and Taylor were sitting cross-legged on the floor playing a game of Go Fish. Paul and Beth sitting on a bed. They both were scooched far back on the bed, leaning against the wall reading books. Bell and Chuck sat across the room watching the youngest play cards.

  Allison, Mary and Jaden squeezed in, claiming the last of the space in the crowded room.

  Allison began, “We have something we want to talk to you about.”

  “Should we send the kids out?” Chuck looked worried.

  “I don’t think it’s necessary,” Allison said.

  “Is it about whether we can stay or if we have to leave?”

  “Not directly. Look, let’s not beat around the bush.” Allison smiled. “Jaden here needs a roommate. She’s getting to the age where sharing her room with her father is getting uncomfortable. She’s a maturing girl.”

  Jaden stood behind Allison. Her face flushed. She brought one hand to her mouth and bit at the nail.

  “What we were thinking,” Mary continued, “If you folks decide that you want to stay with us, is for Jaden and Beth to share a room. That way, there would be only four in this room. Still a little crowded, but probably a lot more comfortable.”

  Bell stared at them, her eyes wide. “Does this mean that we can stay?”

  Allison nodded. “Your family fits in very well. From the first day, Taylor and Paul have participated in everything the school aged children do. In fact,” she smiled, “I hear Paul schooled our own Will in firestarting life skills class.”

  Paul fidgeted. “I was just trying to help,” he muttered, casting a glance toward Jaden.

  “We need that kind of help,” Allison said. “We need every bit of knowledge we collectively have to make life easier. I appreciate your willingness to share.” She hesitated. “And I’m sure Will does too.”

  She turned back to Bell, who looked across the small space to Beth. “What do you think, honey?”

  Beth put down the book she was reading. She gazed at Jaden, then turned her head to look at her mother. “I like the idea,” she said.

  Jaden jumped in the air. “Yes!” she screamed causing Allison and Mary to cover their ears. “What room can we have?” she demanded to know.

  “The easiest thing would be to simply move Paul and Taylor back into this room and have you move downstairs to the room next door where Beth is already staying.”

  Paul tossed his book on the bed next to him and laughed. “Too funny!” he chortled.

  “What’s funny?” Allison asked.

  “She wants to move in with my sister because her dad snores.” He was laughing so hard he gasped for breath. “So, she’s gonna share a room with Beth.” He gasped again. “Beth farts!”

  “Paul!” Bell admonished.

  Chuck pursed his lips together. It was easy to see that he was fighting back the same laughter that his son couldn’t contain.

  “Will you tell my dad?” Jaden blurted, ignoring Paul completely.

  “No, honey. We will go find your dad together and we will ask his permission. He’s your father and his decision is final.”

  “He might be in the arena with a bunch of the other guys,” Mary offered.

  “What are they doing in the arena?”

  “I don’t know. I heard them out there when I went to put clean towels in the tack room. There was only one detail on the list this morning. That was making more kindling. I think Sam, David and Jonesy went out on that. The rest of the crew are free today.”

  Jaden followed Allison to the arena. Allison slid the door open just as a burst of cheers broke out from the men sitting on hay bales at the far end of the arena.

  “What are you guys doing?” she called.

  “Learning to set snares,” came a voice.

  Allison searched the group until she found Will. “I thought the whole group was going to be involved in learning to set traps.”

  Will nodded. “Yeah, we’re going to do a class, but we had some downtime and some of the guys already know how. It kinda became a competition. I think Rolly is the winner.”

  “What does he win?”

  Will chuckled. “The title of being the class instructor.”

  Rolly grinned and lifted an arm in victory.

  “Dad!” Jaden called. “Allison has something to ask you.”

  Allison looked down at Jaden. “You need to ask him. It’s your need. Just tell him that you’re growing up and you feel the need to have more privacy.”

  Bill Gordon stood up and approached Allison and Jaden, his limp less pronounced than Allison was used to seeing. She suddenly realized just how far he’d pushed himself to help the group form.

  “What’s up, Allison?” Concern was evident in his eyes.

  Allison nudged Jaden. “Go ahead, honey.”

  Jaden looked from Allison to her dad. “Uhm… I’m growing up and I want to move into a room with Beth.”

  Bill’s eyes widened. “Really? Why?”

  Jaden reddened. “I’m a girl, Dad. And, you snore.”

  Allison decided to step in and help. “She is maturing, Bill. Some things are private with girls who are just coming of age.”

  This time Bill was the one who reddened. “Oh. Okay. Uhm. Have you asked Beth’s parents?”

  “We did, although Beth is nineteen and didn’t need their approval. Beth and her parents thought it would work out great.”

  “She’s nineteen? I thought she was about fifteen. Sixteen tops.”

  “Don’t let her hear you say that.”

  “I won’t.” He looked down at his daughter. “Honey, if you want to move in with Beth, I am supportive. But please, don’t forget that I’m your dad and,” his voice cracked, “I love you very much.”

  “Daddy.” Jaden sighed. “I’m not moving away. I’m just going to sleep in a different room.” She stepped forward and hugged him. They both held on for several minutes before separating. Tears filled Bill’s eyes. Jaden’s face was soaked with tears, snot dampening her top lip.

  Bill looked at Allison. “My baby girl is growing up.” His face was full of pride.

  “She is,” Allison agreed. “Hey, have you seen James?”

  “Not since breakfast. Do you need me to find him?”

  “No, I just haven’t seen much of him lately.”

  “Yeah,” Bill agreed. “I hadn’t thought of it, but he hasn’t been around much.”

  “Maybe he’s down at Don’s.”

  “That would make sense.” He looked down at his daughter again. “Do you need me to help you move your stuff?”

  “No thanks, Daddy. I’ll grab a couple boxes from the storage room. I don’t have that much.” She grinned again. “Thanks, Daddy. I love you.”

  “Love you too, honey.” He stood next to Allison and watched his daughter run through the door to the stables and then into the common room.

  “She is growing up, isn’t she?”

  “She is,” Allison agreed. “You’ve raised a beautiful young woman. I don’t know what we’d do without her. Lunch will probably be about an hour and a half from now.”

  She turned and followed Jaden, sliding the arena door closed behind her.

  The radio was squelching when she stepped into the common room. “Don to Base.”

  She hurried across the room to the radio. “Go ahead, Don.”

  “Yeah, I got Phil here. He wants to know if you want to trade some of your medicine for some fish.”

  Mary called from her room. “Tell him yes. I want fresh fish for supper.”

  “Sure,” Allison spoke into the microphone. “What does he need?”

  “He says some of that elderberry syrup, some of that wound salve, and some of that sleep oil.”

  “I’ve got all that done. I’m happy to make the trade.”

  “Okay,” Don’s voice came back. “He says he has to go back to his house and get the fish.”

  “Tell him that we’ll have lunch on the table in about an hour and a half. He’s welcome to join us if he wants.”

  “He says he’d love to,” came the reply.

  “You’re invited too,” Allison answered. “We have plenty for you guys to join us.”

  “Thanks. We’ll probably see you.”

  “Hey, Don.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Is James down there?”

  “Haven’t seen him.”

  “K. Thanks. See you in a while.”

  She stood looking at the radio for a few seconds. Where was James lately? she wondered

  It was an hour and a half later when the door opened and Don walked in followed by Phil. Phil wore slacks that had been pressed with an iron, a button up shirt and a casual jacket. He was freshly shaven.

  He carried two bags. From the way they hung from his hands, Allison could tell they were heavy.

  “Let’s put them out in the cold box next to the door,” she said, hurrying to meet them. Phil followed her out. She bent over to open the lid of the cold box and noticed that Phil was wearing cologne. He carefully placed the bags in the box.

  “I cleaned them and wrapped them in packages, about one-pound fish per package,” he said. “I really appreciate the trade.”

  Allison smiled. “We appreciate the fresh fish. It’s going to be a real treat for us tonight.”

  She held the door open. “I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I sure am.” He stood behind her. His eyes darted around the room until they found Don and his family. “Uhm… should I go sit with Don or do you want me to help with anything?”

  “Go sit down. We’ll have people coming around to serve. And, mingle a little. There’s a lot of nice people here.”

  “Yeah, uhm… I’m not that good with people.” He gave her a small nod before walking towards the table Don shared with his family.

  “Hey, Phil!” a voice from a nearby table called.

  Phil spun around, looking from face to face before he recognized Steve Mattern who sat at a table with other single men.

  “Hi, Steve.” Phil grinned. “Do you live here now?”

  “I do. Been here since the first day.”

  “Ya know,” Phil started. He looked around. “Ya know, I have room. I have lots of room. If ya want, you could come live at my place.”

  “Hey!” Allison shouted from the front of the room. “Don’t go stealing my best carpenter.”

  “He worked for me before he worked for you,” Phil said. He looked from Allison to Steve and back to Allison. “Yeah, I guess that was pretty rude of me coming to eat your food and then asking Steve to come with me.”

  He turned back to Steve. “Ignore that. But if you ever need a place, you’re welcome at mine.”

  Steve threw back his head and laughed. “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”